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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government
TransPecos Banks. Texas Banking at its Best.

COVID-19 Consumer Relief

TransPecos Banks cares about our community and our customers.  We have been supporting communities in Texas for over 90 years and during this challenge, it is no different.  We remain a strong and sound financial institution with dedicated bankers making it our mission to serve you, especially at this difficult time. 

Consumer loan customers

If you have a personal line of credit or consumer vehicle loan with TransPecos Banks, we are providing you the option to defer your payments that are due in April and May of this year.   

To opt in for this payment deferment, you have three options

  1. Call us at 1.877.445.9550 (toll free), or call your local branch
    • Pecos - 432.445.9000
    • Alpine - 432.837.0094
    • Marathon - 432.386.4500
  2. Login to online banking and respond to the message in your secure inbox
  3. Print and mail or bring the attached consumer loan payment deferral form to a TransPecos Banks branch drive-thru

NOTE:  Interest will continue to accumulate on your loan during the months that the payments are deferred.


Residential mortgage or home equity loan customers

We are providing you the option to defer your payments that are due in April and May of this year for your mortgage loan or home equity loan.

To opt in for this payment deferment, call us at 1.877.445.9550 (toll free), or call your local branch:

  • Pecos - 432.445.9000
  • Alpine - 432.837.0094
  • Marathon - 432.386.4500

NOTE:  Interest will continue to accumulate on your loan during the months that the payments are deferred. If your loan is paid via automated payment, you will need to stop those automated payments to take advantage of this deferral option. Home equity loans may require additional documentation.